Intracavernosal injection of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) as a treatment for erectile dysfunction (ED) is an emerging practice that warrants awareness among primary care physicians and urologists alike. Epidemiologic studies have shown that ED is a highly prevalent condition, affecting more than 300 million men globally, and the use of regenerative medicine, such as stem cells, to reverse ED is highly desired
Platelets play a crucial role in coagulation and promoting wound healing following injury and contain various growth factors (eg, fibroblast growth factor [FGF], platelet-derived growth factor [PDGF], vascular endothelial growth factor [VEGF]) responsible for regenerative functions, including the recruitment of stem cells, modulation of inflammatory responses, and stimulation of angiogenesis. Therefore, the possibility of using platelet-rich concentrates to promote recovery in damaged tissues is exciting. PRP is an autologous product obtained from whole blood that contains high concentrations of platelet growth factors and provides a fibrin framework over platelets that has the potential to support the regenerative matrix.
What Benefits Can a Man Have from the P-Shot?
While there has been no clear evidence published in medical literature, there are several reports of:
Stronger, firmer erections
Easier to achieve and longer-lasting erections (i.e. improved sexual stamina)
Better overall blood flow to the penis
How Is PRP Acquired?
A small amount of blood is drawn at the time of the procedure. Your blood is then spun in a specially designed centrifuge which separates the platelets and plasma from the rest of the blood. The platelets are isolated and then injected back into the body wherever their benefits are needed. Numbing cream is used on the skin of the penis so the entire procedure is painless.
How Long Does the P-Shot Procedure Take to Perform?
The PRP injection is performed in our office. It should take about 60 minutes from start to finish but we do usually allow a little extra time. You may drive yourself home after the procedure.
Is There Anything Else That I Will Need to Do After the Procedure?
Yes. Using a VED (Vacuum Erection Device) is essential for achieving optimal success from the procedure. This is usually done twice daily. It requires only a few minutes of your time and without it, success rates are usually lower. We will walk you through it the first time.
When Can I Resume Sexual Activity After the P-Shot Procedure?
You may resume sexual activity after 24 hours.
What Are the Potential Side Effects of the P-Shot?
Since PRP is extracted from your own blood, there are few and only minor potential side effects. These include minor bleeding or bruising, swelling, and very rarely infection."